Polski Tiếng Việt


The International Seminar on „Environmental Issues in Vietnam and the Solutions” was held at the Daewoo Hotel in Hanoi, on October 26, 2004. The organizing committee included the ASG Group, Dekonta, Vietnam Environment Protection Agency, and the Center for Economic Development Studies (CEDS) - Faculty of Economics, Vietnam National University in Hanoi.

Seminar participants included leading environmental experts from national and international institutions and organizations: World Bank, the Czech Republic Ministry of Environment, the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam Environment Protection Agency and Hanoi National University. The national TV station (VTV1), national radio stations, and press were also present to cover the event.

During the seminar, the participants identified and discussed current issues regarding environmental pollution in Vietnam and presented methods to solving environmental protection problems. Following the opening sessions, DEKONTA demonstrated their technologies, capabilities and experience in the field of environmental protection.

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